[AVATAR] – GOD IS DEAD [ESP-ENG] [2013-15]

Writer(s) Jonathan Hickman Issues 1 – 6, Mike Costa 1 – Present, Alan Moore & Simon Spurrier Acts of God
Artist(s) Di Amorim Issues 1-6, Jillian Figari Issues 7 – 9, German Erramouspe Issues 10 – 12, Omar Francia Issues 13 – 15, Emiliano Urdinola Issues 16 – Present

God Is Dead is an ongoing comic book series created by Jonathan Hickman and Mike Costa, published by Avatar Press. It deals with ancient gods and goddesses from mythologies around the world coming to Earth to lay claim to the world of man. The subplot deals with a group of people named the Collective, who resist the ancient gods.
God is Dead began as a six-issue limited series in September 2013, with Hickman and Costa as co-writers. Once the initial six-issue story arc concluded, the comic became an ongoing series with Costa as the only writer.
In August 2014, Alan Moore and Simon Spurriercontributed to the first issue of a new story arc entitled God Is Dead: The Book of Acts.
In 2015, a man claiming to be Zeus, the ancient Greek god of thunder, arrives in Vatican City and claims the Earth as his domain. This event becomes known as the Second Coming. In subsequent months, several other figures claiming to be gods and goddesses emerge as if from nowhere, and begin to divide the Earth into different territories. Fighting between the various gods breaks out, and drags the Earth into war.

Unknown to the gods, an underground society known as the Collective suspects that the gods are not who they appear to be, and seek to create their own new gods to rival those of the ancient pantheons. The Collective is eventually destroyed by the gods, but one member, Gaby, survives, and a generation later has risen to take the identity of the Earth Mother, Gaia.

As Gaia, Gaby rules over the world virtually unchallenged by the gods that still remain. One of her followers, Tansy, travels to Australia, which has been abandoned since the events of the Second Coming. Once there, she meets a man named Albert Spencer, who survived the Second Coming and has been residing in the Dreamtime with a ragtag group of humans. Together, they use a device to go to Heaven and find the Judeo-Christian God with his head blown off. Albert then decides to unite the remnants of Earth’s pantheons to lead an assault on Gaia.

¡Como un rayo del cielo, el épico lanzamiento de GOD IS DEAD ya está aquí! Del autor de The Manhattan Projects, Avengers, FF y Fantastic Four «JONATHAN HICKMAN» lanza una nueva serie que pisa fuerte donde otros temen pisar.

La humanidad se ha discutido sobre la existencia de los dioses desde los albores del tiempo. En épocas modernas ha pasado de moda burlarse de los creyentes religiosos con burlas de testimonios científicos y los hechos. Pero cuando los dioses de la antigüedad comienzan a aparecer en la tierra y reclamar el dominio del hombre por su propia cuenta, el mundo se ve inmerso en un estado de total anarquía. Ahora Horus camina por las calles de Egipto, Zeus se ha hecho cargo de la Capilla Sixtina, y Odin es la coordinación de la disección de la tierra entre las deidades. La humanidad dominó el mundo durante miles de años, y su arrogancia durante ese tiempo ha hecho poderoso, pero cuando se enfrentan con lo divino, ¿las armas mortales puede poner fin a la segunda venida de los dioses?

Idioma: Español. 
Editorial: Avatar
Guion: Jonathan Hickman, Mike Costa
Dibujo: Di Amorim, Jonathan Hickman, Jacen Burrows
Traducen: Sietesoles, Floyd Wayne
Maqueta: W.D.

Fuente: How to Arsenio Lupin


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